LUNILAND is a metaverse on Terra Blockchain integrated with the $LUNI token and LUNILAND NFTs. LUNI is launching its first round of Land sales for LUNILAND with Luart on March 31, 2022! This collection will be able to be integrated with the map available on https://www.luniofficial.com/luniland.
Owning a plot of land in LUNILAND gives holders the following benefits:
- Customizing your character using skins
- Owning your plot of land in a metaverse
- Being able to trade your land any way you seek
- Earn passive income
Additional benefits (development in progress):
- Access to common buildings with play-to-earn games
- Building on your own land
In creating LUNILAND, multiple existing metaverses were analyzed and in the end, inspired an incredible vision. The Team’s goal is to create a living and engaging colorful environment.
The Numbers — Supply Release & APY
Now let’s dig into the numbers.
LUNILAND’s Map is divided into 5 zones, zone 1 being the most attractive and desirable, while zone 5 being is least. Zone 5 plots are located furthest from the city, while zone 1 is the closest.

Total number of standard plots for sale: 4527
Number of standard plots in Zone 1: 1109
Number of standard plots in Zone 2: 1164
Number of standard plots in Zone 3: 1224
Number of standard plots in Zone 4: 789
Number of standard plots in Zone 5: 241
There will be 4 rounds of plots’ sale:
1) 31/03/2022 — launchpad hosted by luart.io
Mint price: 300 UST
Number of plots: 1500
Maximum number of whitelisted plots: 800
Minimum number of plots for a public sale: 700
Type of plots included in the launchpad: standard
Zones included in the launchpad: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
2) TBA — 1st marketplace sale (30% discount)
Number of plots: ~1000
Type of plots included in 1st marketplace sale: standard
Zones included in 1st marketplace sale: 1, 2, 3
Zone 1: 1050 $UST
Zone 2: 700 $UST
Zone 3: 350 $UST
3) TBA — 2nd marketplace sale (15% discount)
Number of plots: ~1000
Type of plots included in 2nd marketplace sale: standard
Zones included in 1st marketplace sale: 1, 2, 3
Zone 1: 1275 $UST
Zone 2: 850 $UST
Zone 3: 425 $UST
4) TBA — 3rd and final marketplace sale
Number of plots: ~1000
Type of plots included in 3rd marketplace sale: standard
Zones included in 1st marketplace sale: 1, 2, 3
Zone 1: $1500 UST
Zone 2: $1000 UST
Zone 3: $500 UST

Business NFTs + Zone Plots APY Calculations
There will only ever be 120 Business LUNI NFTs in total. These NFTs are each unique and bring a special value in combination with owning a single plot of LUNILAND of any type (standard, silver, and gold) allowing holders to earn passive income.
Note: Business NFT must be combined with a corresponding type of plot to work, e.g., Mountain Resort will only work if combined with a plot located in a snow biome or touching snow biome.
APY for Business NFTs:
1) Legendary: 300%
2) Epic: 150%
3) Rare: 90%
4) Common: 60%
Prices from the 3rd marketplace sale will be used for APY calculation.
Example of APY #1: Standard zone 1 plot combined with allowed Legendary Business NFT: 1500 UST * 300% = 4500 UST in $LUNI
Example of APY #2: Standard zone 3 plot combined with allowed Legendary Business NFT: 500 UST * 300% = 1500 UST in $LUNI
Example of APY #3: Standard zone 3 plot combined with allowed Common Business NFT: 500 UST * 60% = 300 UST in $LUNI
Plots will be required to participate in all activities available in LUNILAND.
Higher tier plots will bring higher passive income when combined with Business NFTs + will grant bigger bonuses from other upcoming activities/games, or provide an access to exclusive content (for example zone 1 only).
Unbounding Business NFTs from a plot is similar to unstaking $LUNA in Terra Station. During this time, passive income will not be generated and the plot or Business NFT will not be able to be sold until the unbounding period is over.
For more details on the mechanics of how this will work please check out the official LUNI article: https://medium.com/@luniofficial/details-of-luniland-design-and-mechanics-62a6143efdb8
Special offers for $LUNI Stakers
Starting from 1st marketplace sale, there will be special discounts for Stakers based on the staked amount of $LUNI and the duration.
More info regarding this will be provided before the sale.
Learn More About LUNI
Website — https://www.luniofficial.com/
Twitter — https://twitter.com/LUNIonTerra/
Telegram — https://t.me/LUNIonTerra/