Luart v.1.0
After months of building it’s finally here. In just hours, Luart’s MVP product comes to market: the Launchpad. In this article, we will discuss expectations from version 1 of the Luart product stack as well as what is to come in the near future.
Launchpad — Phase 1
The launch of Luart’s Launchpad os December 27th, 10pm UTC alongside our inaugural minting partner: HellCats NFT. The platform has been stress tested and is ready for take off. The dev team is on standby for any bugs the system may run into during our first mint. LUNA-UST conversion tool will not be active yet. Hellcats will premier with a UST based mint but projects will have the option to choose which asset they intend for users to mint with (LUNA or UST).
Marketplace — Phase 2
Marketplace v1.0 is our early beta version of the Luart Marketplace. We are delivering a fully functional marketplace for trading NFTs in v1.0. We will add projects at a manageable rate to ensure projects get the support needed. The first projects to come to the marketplace will be our Premier Partners. There are over 30 projects slated to launch on the marketplace in the coming weeks.
Staking App — Phase 2
After the $LUART token launches, the Staking app will be live. More details will be released on the staking app and the $LUART token as the IDO date approaches.
LUA Power — Phase 2
The final calculations for LUA Power scores will be finalized in the next week. More details will be released in the coming weeks.
LUART v1.1 & v2.0
LUART v1.1 will come to the market towards the end of January.
- Notifications — Offers accepted, offers received, confirmed sales, etc
- Major Bug Fixes — will be prioritized by most critical
LUART v2.0 comes to us in mid-late February.
- Luart Boxes arrive
- User profiles
- Advanced sorting & Filtering system
As we approach take off, we can’t thank Explorers and Lunatics enough for joining us on this journey. The community response in recent weeks has blown away our expectations. At the core of Luart is the community and delivering a great product comes next. We are at the beginning of a new frontier in NFT marketplaces. See you in the metaverse 🚀
#PutYourHelmetOn 👩🚀
Join Luart
We are always looking for developers and creative minds who are interested in joining us on this journey in building the first gamified NFT marketplace in the Terra Ecosystem. See the links below to reach out.
- Email: hello@luart.io
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/luart_io
- Telegram: https://t.me/luart_io
- Discord: discord.gg/luart
- Website: https://www.luart.io