Astro Heroes
Welcome Explorers and Heroes alike to another exciting edition of Get to Know. Today we will dig into Astro Heroes, the first 3d Metaverse project on Terra. Astro Heroes is a collection of NFTs that can be brought into the 3d world either for a peaceful walk through art galleries or a exhilarating Battle Royale showdown. In this article we will look at the lore they have created for the Astro Heroes, their planned utility, mint details and their quite loaded roadmap. Without further ado, lets get right into it.

As the name suggests, Astro Heroes main mission is to unite NFT collections on Terra and bring new utility to them. The meeting ground takes place in a virtual world with galleries, entertainment areas and a PVP Battle Royale arena. There are also plans to release unique figurines for each Astro Hero that are only redeemable once to preserve its’ uniqueness.
The Astro Heroes lore tells a story of a General Zedd whos goal is to conquer the galaxy. In order to do so, General Zedd must take control of planet Terra, the last standing stronghold in the Metaverse. The only Hero strong enough to stop General Zedd is the 17 year old General Do of the prophecy. General Do has power unseen since the last great war on Terra. After hearing that Zedd had destroyed Nhata, a small country on the east of Terra, General Do retaliates and wipes out half of the oppositions army. And so the battle between Zedd and Do begins.

Virtual Space and Figurines
The Astro Hero Galaxy Metaverse is full of experiences your Astro Heroes can take a part of. You will be able to see and walk around with your Astro Heroes in their carefully crafted locations. Some of the locations include;
- Heroes Entertainment District. This is a place where you can watch movies, music videos, streams and even attend concerts. There are many more things possible and will be announced at later dates.
- Astro Heroes Gallery. This is a museum located in the Astro Art District. Here you can showcase, view and trade your NFTs.
- Battle Royale. Here you can showdown against other Heroes in an 1 vs 50 or 5 vs 5 Battle Royale brawl.
The team has already shipped and are beta testing their 3d Metaverse in the form of their Astro Heroes Gallery. You can find more information in their discord. With time other NFT projects will join the 3d Metaverse through Astro Heroes. You might be able to enjoy a movie with your Silent Solohs, enjoy the Astro Heroes Gallery with Skeleton Punks or battle it out on the Battlefront with your Hellcats.
If you would like to bridge your Astro Hero from the digital into the physical, you can do that by redeeming your own NFTs’ figurine. However, once the figurine is redeemed that is the only figurine that will ever be created of that NFT. This adds another layer of collectivity to the Astro Hero universe.

Astro Heroes will mint on Luart, March 27th. The total supply will run at 3,333–xxxx NFTs available at 150 UST each.(The supply of NFTs are still being decided and will be finalized before mint date)
The following are some of the benefits that holders of the Astro Hero NFT are awarded. A few have previously been mentioned.
- Full access to Astro Heroes metaverse
- Right to purchase Action Figure of their NFT
- Character on Battlefront — Battle Royale Games
- Stake to earn Astro Heroes Token (TBD)
- Right to purchase Astro Heroes Land
- Right to lend a billboard on Astro Square
Another thing to note is that the whitelist is still open and will close on March 22nd at 12pm UTC. Only addresses posted in their discord before the close date and time will used.
The Astro Heroes roadmap is very full and complete view of the vision and goals set out by the team. They have already released a beta for their Metaverse so we will begin with post mint plans.
- Pet & Battleship Limited Collection Announcement
- Physical Toy & Merchandise Store Launch
- Astro Heroes Land
- Astro DAO Announcement
- Battlefront: Terra Planet, Season 1 Beta Launch
- DAO 1st Polling Event
- Battlefront: Terra Planet, Season 1 Official Launch
- First Offline Event
- DAO 1st Project Delivery
- Major Fashion Collab Announcement
- DAO 2nd Polling Event
- Cross-Chain Games Feature Announcement

Astro Heroes is quickly developing their Metaverse and has gained confidence by releasing a playable beta before their mint. Instead of waiting for funds from the mint they are proactive in delivering on their promises. The 3d Metaverse will be a welcome addition to the Terra NFT ecosystem. For the latest news and updates make sure to follow them on their socials below. That is it for this article Explores and Heroes, see you all on the other side.
#PutYourHelmetOn 👩🚀
Website: astro-heroes.com
Twitter: @_Astro_Heroes
Discord: discord.gg/astroheroes
LaunchPad: https://launchpad.luart.io/